Thursday, March 2

Judgement day

The italics are from my own posts. The past week have been reminding me of too many things in the same lines. If you found it too trying, skip them.

If the whole idea of death is forbidden, please revert back to your thoughts and stop reading this. For like-minded creatures,

Death, a simple luxury delayed.

Death is only an end of a wonderful journey and time to look back and reminicise over past musings. Why forbid the word and look aghast if the very word is mentioned in the proximity. When we do go to sleep, we are but semi-conscious. I like to think we are experiencing a living-death. An oxymoron? Sleep itself has enough exoticness. We weave our lucid dreams. Not just the dreams, we are translucent ourselves. Even the most evil men, would seem child-like.

What luxury it is to sleep and never get back again into the war-obsessed-world constantly waging rules. Rules that are made, destroyed, fought over, trampled and again made by the same race at different time-spans. Rules. By whom? and for what?

Why rope in thousands as soldiers and expect all of them to believe in the same lines as you do? Who gives them the power to command? The one who does, how is his judgement justified? Are the soldiers trained in each country taught to hate the other country alongside their training in artillery*

Rules on how to live?

**Who made the rules, who made the boundaries, who made restrictions? Everything is man-made. Nothing was installed into you the second you were born. We were not in matrix. So whatever values we hold, the judgement of good and bad, all comes out of our family, our society, our community. So in that case, books like Bhagavadgeetha/ Bible/ Kuran and other -way of living books, did not fall from heaven. When earth was formed- either scientifically by black hole or by God in seven days (let there be light!), there were humans. And they survived. On basics. They did not have rules/restrictions. Probably one human fell off from a cliff and never returned back, they decided that they should not go near that. But whatever it was, they believed in what they could see and feel, they survived on what they could eat, all satisfying basic needs. And man was happy. He lived. He learned how to hunt, dig, attack, build from watching other creatures in his surroundings. Whatever posed danger to him, he tried to kill or ended up getting killed. Communication started. They would have named each one with the most simplest sounds. Now, this is the theory. One day, a man from that community, protects the others, maybe by warning that a big green hungry dinosaur was coming by this way. He probably jumped and pointed and rolled and acted every gesture by saving the whole community. That day, they were saved by this one person. So they made him the chief and heaved him with gifts- most probably bone necklaces, one big tooth and several lizard skeletons (treasures of those times)[Random question-Who decided that gold is the most worthiest]. He sun-basked (literally) on those praises. And maybe, maybe this human's name was 'God'. Thats where probably God's word spread around. He became famous as his story was told again and again with more exagerations (with the more jumping and rolling) to every generation. And his "herodom" tripled by the fold and finally, making him invincible and superhuman. Then they made sculptures and paintings to be reminded of him everytime they went to hunt.

Coming back to the first few notes, There was no scriptures then, and man was peaceful. Now we have as many 'guides to god'. Why are we still uneasy. Has not refined and polished technology brought us more woe. Now and then we play hypocrites. Warding it off as some unknown disease. Smiling when we dont want to. Sometimes, people whom we term selfish are actually better off, because, they know what they want and they do it for themselves. And we claim to help, heed to others finally ending up sometimes more unsatisfied. So again, everything is man-made. Wars are.

Think about this situation. Hovering about basics. God/science made earth. Meant that nobody has claim in it whatsoever. If it belongs to one, it belongs to all (including other creatures). And vice-versa. Can you ever term that any particular star is yours? You cant. So, how dare we make boundaries and claim it as 'this is mine and that is yours'. And not only did we stop there. We were selling earth/land and paying the government. So when did this start - that earth belonged to government? Anyways, now we have land to claim that it is ours. Nature brought food. We plucked it from there, and sold it and made money. Only then did we water the plants. What about travelling? Well, you need Visa. Who decids that you are allowed/give permission to travel to other places around the world? Nature decided that only particular animals could live in particular habitats. But we transported the animals everywhere creating artificial temperature, plants and environs. Whom are we cheating? We destroy the forests, and build more homes, pay taxes, use resources. And when the animals, previously living in those forests, enters the area, we kill them - Headlines claiming " Animals enter human territory(!). Duh. Just because, they cannot talk.**


Anonymous Anonymous said...

comment peux-tu trouver le temps quand tu edudies ? oh mon dieu :)

6:51 PM  
Blogger -Poison- said...

may i link this post on my blog?

5:50 PM  
Blogger Incognito said...

san : he he. j'ai beaucoup de temps. Tu sais que je suis au chomage!

poison : Ofcourse you can. Thats a very nice complement. Thanks for making my day. :)

11:11 PM  
Blogger navin said...

Evolution, Adaptation, Theory of Natural Selection, Survival of the adaptive. I would have said fittest but well we are not cockroaches to survive a nuclear explosion. We are the most selfish animals around, no doubt about that. If a lion in africa can mark its territories, we are just a step above in marking some of our own. These are not rules they are a mark of our selfishness towards our own species...infact you defined and answered your own day someone died after falling off a cliff, so thats one reason people go off with a hand glider any case to go from falling down a cliff to building a hand glider took some time say a million years or so..we cannot claim that a particulart star is ours now, probably in a million years we might do that. If the Science Theory alone existed probably we already would know that every living non-living matter can be recycled, so we wouldn't be bothered in destroying the world, if one religion (theory of god) alone existed then it would be too monotonous and someone will come-up with a religion of his own of hiw own gods, in any case the universe would be exactly in the same place that its in now, no matter if the earth had living creatures or not, a billion years is still a short period of time...
If bird flu doesn't stop us from eating chicken or eggs, do you think if the chicken starts talking, people are not going to eat it. I just think we as a species are working collectively to protect the most adaptive in our own species; who decides who is more adaptive?.. is a question which cannot be answered by words.
If we are not we are dead. If a cell cannot be adaptive in the new environment provided it ceases to exist or forms a cyst till it gets the environment it needs. WE ARE A COLLECTION OF CELLS, the whole idea is our own deign. I don't know why I am putting in so much effort when I could have said this..Death is still an unknown enigma...It can be a luxury, it can be that we become meals to bacteria or just burn as ashes and become fertilizer to plants and thus exist among living and non-living that case we are just another recycling material, an egg with an expiration date, after that we do come back to the same place - the world. So why not be in the illusion/reality of life and think we are the most intelligent species and have control over everything except time and space ( "space can't say, we might start controlling that in future") - In fact in that sentence I have been sure in space but not in time. Now I realise that I could have blogged about it instead of using up your SPACE, well in any case you have control over can delete it if you want :)...nice post by the way...was thinking about these questions like 5 years don't have the TIME...

11:23 AM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Navin : Tha was a loooooooong comment :) Love it.

Right you are. We've been taking advantage of our sixth sense over lesser compatibles. About handgliders, is just created overcoming the problem(the cliff). Just crossing the boundary does not make it his. Marking territories has always been depending on one entity overpowering the other. How did it belong to man in the first place to overpower it? (Like, how can Yudhishtra sell Draupadi after selling himself. Thats why Draupadi asks ' Did he sell himself or me first?')
When they do buy the stars (which I hope it never happens), whom do they pay the money to? Science or God?

In this age where man eats unborn zygots, why would I blame the poor chickens!

'An egg with an expiration date' - very apt. True about being the best adapted creature having control for such a short span of time we live. But, live and let live. I know I kill cockroaches when they enter my home. But I dont search for cockroaches. When I see tree stumps along broadened roads, only one thought triggers, is it that we cannot co-exist?

And me definitely not going to erase this. instead treasure it, and show it to others too. and wonder why you dont blog much. :)

1:44 PM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Maybe I should not kill the cockroaches :(

2:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

pretty long post..
i used to think about good and bad. did God come and tell u this is good and this is bad. well rules are made.
i jus loved the last 3 lines

12:09 PM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Vibha : I know. What one ,may find it right, the other might have a different opinion altogether.. So. No rules. No boundaries.

12:34 PM  

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