Monday, December 18

Smelly cat Alternatives

crazy gal crazy gal
what are you thinking 'bout
crazy gal crazy gal
its not your fault

you were born crazy by this birth
you obvioulsy spent crazy in this earth

crazy gal crazy gal
its not your fault

you may not be liked by the rest
nevertheless regarded as a pest
your mood swings might stay too long
but that doesnt make this any less song

crazy gal crazy gal
what are you wondering 'bout
crazy gal crazy gal
its life, not your fault

Sunday, December 17

Laya Fest n me

An exhilirating experience yesterday's show was. The tapatam guys were the best. Their dappankoothu numbers rocked the audience. Veena and violin were also not far off. Infact the whole ensemble really complimented each other than taking over. And it was a great honor for me to be a part of it.

Yesterday was good, actually one of the best moments :)

Sunday, December 3

Le Mirage

Dans ma vie In my life
j'ai suivi I followed
bien qu'il ait gelé though it was cold
une petite allée a small alley
ou j'ai eu where I saw
une belle vue a beautiful view

Le ciel bleu The blue sky
brillait et était beau shone and was beautiful
l'arc en ciel The rainbow
étincellait sparkled
la brise douce The soft breeze
touchait tous touched all
elle allait et venait She came and went
et baisait mes joues and kissed my cheek
les coucous chantaient The cuckoos sang
les papillons dansaient The butterflies danced
tous brillants Everything vibrant
tous vivants Everything lively
la rosée, elle The dew, she
aspergée d’une manière belle sprinkled itself
parmi les feuilles amongst the leaves
les faisait luire making them shine
Tant, tant de fleurs So many flowers
de différentes couleurs of different colours
m'ont séduit seduced me
m'ont épanoui awoke me
elles ont créé They all created
une scène parfaite. a perfect scene.
mais un peu plus tard But a little later
tout est devenu flou, car all became blurred
le soleil de grande lumière the sun rays
a sucé pour une fois dernière sighed once but last
et effacé ce beau visage and erased this beautiful face
de mon vrai mirage. of my mirage.