Monday, March 27


Yesterday, after meeting my friend at a restaurant, wanted to take an auto back home. But then, started walking. I walked seeing the bright signboards that decorated our city. Those flash lights, advertisements suddenly seemed very insignificant when I looked at the sky. There they were, the silent stars, blinking at us. For anyone who cared to look. Before I realised I had covered quite a long distance. Still did not have mind to take the auto. So I continued. As I turned at a corner, I saw myself facing a popular cinema theatre. Was very crowded. Could hear raucous laughter from random corners. When I went past it, I saw myself over there, one in the crowd, she seem to wave at me. I smiled back. Still walking. Thinking,
(It is a very important day for me because, I have to take a decision. About my career. Pick between two. A choice. Both are close to my heart, have its own advantages and disadvantages, still..)
The route that I had taken was one of the most travelled in my life. So it was more like looking back at the past and regarding the present with each step clashing at the same time.
And I walked. The roads were curving. Th traffic, rushing. Lights blurring. So were my thoughts.
(It's like a tennis court, you know. The ball is bouncing back and forth with equal speed. Life seems very green. With life/envy? The net seems to be tiring. And the ball is been thrashed enough.)
My legs started paining. Felt like stopping.
But it did not. My legs felt numb. With fatigue. But it walked as if, it knew walking to be the only action. It passed some friends houses. Some refreshment stands. Some auto stands. But it did not stop there, nor anywhere.
(Its all between passion and money. Only one can be chosen as the One. No compromise. My thoughts felt like an elongated full stop. Juggling between pedestrian crossing's blacks and whites)
I missed my bike. I could have zoomed past these artificial lights, without bothering to even look. But here I was, staring at them, my eyes blinding at the flourescent kaleidoscopes. Still walking.

Then I stopped. Looked at a building I had so loved from my childhood. My grandparents house. Something that I had sworn to buy it back. Maybe all this while, unconsciously, my soul wanted to take me to her. Just for a sacred glance. To touch. To hug its memories. To cherish every stone. There, I saw a little girl playing with her grand-mom. She turned and waved.

I smiled back.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1)reference from past should not be taken as guideline for future all the times.
2)one has to decide on destination and deviations are based on situtations on the ground.

3)Make up your mind on these issues before you set for this amazing journey called life!

2:51 AM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Anon : Reference from the pasts helps us to evaluate oneself.

I am already living life.

Its when some decisions depend on others, it gets delayed and makes us doubt more.

Thanks for dropping by.

12:27 PM  

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