Wednesday, June 18

You know you're an adult,

when seeing stuff scattered everywhere, makes you go *tch**tch*

when you hear yourself advising someone about the negative effects of alcohol (..the what??).

when you ask your mum, 'So what happened to Selvi in that serial?'.

when listening to hard rock, makes you frown. (you mean its not just bad taste?)

when your vocal chords itch to ask the person sitting next to you, 'Where did you buy that saree? Romba besha irukke!'

when seeing cockroaches does not whatsoever incite the need to scream and get to a higher surface but reach out to thennam-thodappam and run behind it saying, 'Va di va, romba naala for you only waitings'.

For those of you who answered yes to all of the above, please get one big coupon of 'get a life' - available at Ranganathan street, Pondybazaar - Aadi discount.

For the others who ticked only two
like me (guess which ones for extra beer), join me in celeberating the world of youngisthan, of beers and mars big bars.
Happy birthday me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Belated Bday wishes :)

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish u a fantastic year [:)]

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, have a wonderful year ahead!!

Hmm were those the 3rd and the 6th??
One of those was right for me..


7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's to many many more drunken years of health!

12:46 AM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Thanks guys! :) all of you!
Sorry to have taken some time to reply back!

Thanks again.

10:11 AM  
Blogger nehasaraswt said...

hey there... nice blog... i wonder how nature sometime plays game... we share birthday and i used to call myself incognito some years back... and thought i will start a blog carring the name... just googled to look if it is already in use... :)

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ticked to none, and yet I feel so old booohooo

12:11 PM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Loving soul!

:) Guess gemini's always love incognito status! And I see you are a designer too..

Welcome to the world of blogging!

1:47 PM  
Blogger Incognito said...

Just so!

Hola gal! Long time.. I think I've pretty much lost track of everyone on my blogroll.

Now, take a look at that list again. And now tell me,

'How [i]young[/i] are you today?' :)

1:52 PM  
Blogger adarsh said...

hehehe... nice post..

belated wishes too ;)

6:23 PM  

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