Tuesday, May 13

Forever and ever and ever

What is forever really?

I've lived an odd twenty years of conscious life. And I guess I'll survive a maximum of say, fifty more? By which time, I am expected from the society to marry, have kids, survive parenting, watch my kids grow up, marry them off and await my grand kids. Sure it occupies most of those left-out years.. and all this are but checklists in our lives, and then what happens after we 've ticked each one of 'em?

What is forever, really?

My forever is going to be these fifty years after which I reincarnate because of my karma or go to heaven or hell for the judgement day or just perish. When I stop living and all the other people who know me, stop living, where is the evidence that I walked this earth? So actually, the word forever for me spans only fifty years, my validity.

So what is 'love you forever'?

Till your life ends? Till their life ends? In these times, when everything is short, fast and twenty four hours passing too soon, days and months are a marathon, somehow it seems that for love to survive each day itself is an achievement. And for it to survive fifty years is definitely a fantasy.

When each of us think about our grandparents, we'd have never thought them young and reckless and sixteen. To think each of us have to learn and understand from our mistakes, make amends and go in the pursuit of happiness,

... fifty years suddenly seem so short.

An afterthought, does the society checklist match with yours?


Blogger -Poison- said...

:-D since no one knows for sure of whats gona happen, i guess any checklist is good enuf!

1:11 AM  
Blogger Sushma said...

Ha Ha, you are absolutely right gal.. fifty years is damn too short. you have the so called society checklist, then some of your own.. where is the time for love? :(

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kaadhal paatu paada..kaalam ingu illai.
Thaaalatu pada.thaayaga villai....

1:04 PM  
Blogger Sush said...

Hey is it always necessary to have a check list?

12:24 PM  

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